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Struggling with the weight of imposter syndrome and anxiety? You’re not alone. Unlock the secrets to thriving in the entrepreneurial world despite the inner critic that whispers doubt with our special guest Ann Robinson, a burnout coach extraordinaire and licensed clinical social worker. We tackle the silent signals of stress entrepreneurs often ignore and deliver actionable insights on reclaiming your confidence and control. Anne drops transformative wisdom on why reaching out is the golden key to combating isolation and how the ‘opposite action’ can be a game-changer in your personal and professional life. 

Prepare to conquer the art of decision-making with grace, network like a pro even if you’re an introvert, and pitch with the confidence of a seasoned CEO. In my conversation with Anne, we dissect the 80-20 rule to cut through the noise of perfectionism, and I share nuggets of gold on how to ease the tension that comes with networking and pitching. You’ll walk away with your toolkit brimming—full of practical advice on building a fortress of resilience and tactics to help you keep your cool when the heat of the business pitch flares up. Join us for an episode that promises to transform your entrepreneurial challenges into victories.

Episode Timestamps

(0:01:49) – How to identify the signs of anxiety and stress and coping strategies to manage emotions effectively

(0:12:48) – Techniques to help boost someone’s self-confidence, especially in situations where they feel unsure or insecure,

(0:19:04) – What techniques can someone employ to overcome social anxiety and build strong professional connections?

(0:21:06) – How to manage anxiety and present with confidence in high pressure situations?

Connect with Ann

Website: https://www.annrobinsonlcsw.com/

Email: hello@annrobinsoncoaching.com

Instagram: http://instagram.com/annrobinsoncoaching

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Mentioned in this episode:

Book “Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better” by Pema Chödrön

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behind the brand


Hi! I'm Nana, the founder and lead creative at The Ops Collective, an email marketing agency for the new era. 


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